INIT Initialization INT Intervalometer IP Initial Point ISA Interim Storage Assembly IU Instrumentation Unit IVC Intervehicular Communications IVT Intravehicular Transfer JETT Jettison KM Kilometer kwh Kilowatt Hour LA Launch Azimuth LAT Latitude LBR Low Bit Rate (TLM) LBS or lbs Pounds LCG Liquid Cooled Garment LDG Landing LDMK Landmark LEB Lower Equipment Bay LEC Lunar Equipment Conveyor LFH Lunar Far Horizon LGC LM Guidance Computer LH Left-hand L/H Local Horizontal LHEB Left-hand Equipment Bay LHFEB Left-hand Forward Equipment Bay LHSSC Left Hand Side Storage Container LiOH Lithium Hydroxide LLM Lunar Landing Mission LLOS Landmark Line of Sight LM Lunar Module LMP Lunar Module Pilot LNH Lunar Near Horizon LOI Lunar Orbit Insertion LONG Longitude LOS Loss of Signal or Loss of Site LPO Lunar Parking Orbit LR Landing Radar LRRR or LR3 Laser Ranging Retro-Reflector LS Landing Site LT Light LTG Lighting LV Launch Vehicle L/V Local Vertical LVPD Launch Vehicle Pressure Display M Mandatory MAD Madrid, Spain MAN Manual MAX Maximum MAX Q Maximum Dynamic Pressure MCC Midcourse Correction MCC-H Mission Control Center - Houston MCC Mission Control Center MDC Main Display Console MEAS Measurement MER USNS Mercury MESA Modularized Equipment Stowage Assembly MET Mission Event Timer MGA Middle Gimbal Angle M/I Minimum Impulse MIN Minimum MLA Merrit Island, Florida MNVR Maneuver MPS Main Propulsion System MSFN Manned Space Flight Network MTVC Manual Thrust Vector Control v
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