1 - 16 d. The hydrogen and oxygen VAC ION pumps will be inactive throughout the mission. e. Potable water will be chlorinated once a day before each sleep period, starting with the First sleep period (GET 13:30). The POT H2O inlet valve will be opened prelaunch. f. FC purges and waste water dumps will not be scheduled within one hour prior to optical sightings. g. Waste H2O dumping will be managed to allow: (1) Maximum QTY: 85-90% (2) Minimum QTY: 25% (3) At LOI: QTY = 75% (4) At CM-SM SEP: QTY = 90% to 100% (5) No dumping after MCC3 until after LOI (6) Dumps will be performed (if required) within 2 hours preceding MCC maneuvers (7)In lunar orbit if dumping is required, dumps will be performed immediately prior to sleep periods (8) The water dump will not be operated in the automatic mode at anytime during the mission h. The cryogenic heaters will be in AUTO during the mission and the fans will be operated manually. The fans will be cycled for one minute before and after each sleep cycle. i. The batteries will be charged according to the following schedule: Time Battery 5:20:00 B 12:20:00 A 48:10:00 B 80:25:00 A 103:30:00 B 148:00:00 A 154:00:00 B 2. Environmental Control System and Cabin Pressurization a. One CO2 odor absorber filter (LiOH canister) is changed approximately every 12 hours or if CO2 partial pressure is greater than 7.6mm Hg. There are 20 filters (2 in the canisters onboard and 18 stowed). b. A Pre TLI/LOI ECS redundant component check including the secondary evaporator operation, is performed prior to TLI and LOI. The secondary evaporator water control valves will be turned „OFF“ after the check. c. The evaporator operation will be as follows: (1) Launch - primary loop operation (2) Earth Orbit - primary loop operation and secondary loop test plus redundant operation test prior to TLI. (3) Post TLI - deactivate both evaporators (4) Pre LOI-ECS pre TLI/LOI redundant component check and primary evaporator activation (5) Post TEI - deactivate primary evaporator (6) Entry interface minus 1 hour - activate primary and secondary evaporator.
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