CSM-107/LM5 CRYOGENIC/EPS AND ECS BUDGET The results of the Cryogenic, EPS, and ECS analysis are summarized in the following tables and fi gures: TABLE 5-11 CSM Cryogenic Loading And Usage Summary TABLE 5-13 LM EPS Summary TABLE 5-14 LM ECS Summary FIGURE 5-7 CSM O2 PROFILE FIGURE 5-8 CSM H2 PROFILE FIGURE 5-9 CSM POWER PROFILE FIGURE 5-10 CSM BUS VOLTAGE VS TIME FIGURE 5-11 LM DESCENT POWER PROFILE FIGURE 5-12 LM ASCENT POWER PROFILE FIGURE 5-13 LM TOTAL CURRENT PROFILE FIGURE 5-14 LM DESCENT O2 PROFILE FIGURE 5-15 LM ASCENT O2 PROFILE FIGURE 5-16 LM DESCENT H2O PROFILE FIGURE 5-17 LM ASCENT H2O PROFILE CSM EPS BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS AND GROUND RULES 1. The system was assumed to operate with three fuel cells and two inverters. 2. Fuel cell purging is included in the EPS requirements. 3. 100% fi ll for both H2 and O2. 4. Three entry and postlanding batteries were considered available to supply the total spacecraft power required for entry, parachute descent, and postlanding time. Each battery was assumed to have a 40 A-h capacity until splashdown, at which time the capacity was uprated to 45 A-h. 5. Two batteries were considered to be in parallel with the fuel cells during ascent and for each SPS maneuver. 6. No cryogenic venting was assumed in fl ight. 7. The EPS hydrogen consumption rate (lb/hr) = 0.00257 x Ifc 8. The EPS oxygen consumption rate (lb/hr) = 7.936 x H2 9. Six battery charges were assumed: three on battery A and three on battery B. 5 - 28
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