4 - 8 LUNAR SURFACE NAVIGATION A. Test Objectives G-1 Determine the Location of the Landed LM from LM Data G-2 Determine the Location of the Landed LM from CSM Data G-3 Determine Capability of Locating the Landed LM in Real Time from LM/CSM/MSFN Data L-4 Panoramic Coverage of Distant Terrain Features M-2 Photograph Lunar Surface Post Touchdown/Pre EVA B. Test Requirements 1. Correlate lunar surface features surrounding the landing site with photomaps and mark the LM location. [G, L, M] 2. Photograph terrain features thru the LM window to correlate LM location. [G, M] 3. Obtain two sets of LM IMU alignments after landing [G] 4. Provide TV coverage of prominent terrain features. [G, L] 5. Track the landed LM from the CSM during two orbital passes. Mark on a landmark near the landed LM. [G] - (Only one pass is implemented.) 6. Track the CSM with LM RR during one pass. [G] - (Not Implemented.) 7. Obtain 70 MM photographs of the landed LM or its shadow and the surrounding lunar features. [G] 8. Assist MCCH in determining the landing LM location in real time. [G, L] C. Procedures/Checklist 1. Photographic and Television Operations Plan. 2. LM AOH, „PGNCS Lunar Surface Align Program (P57)“. 3. LM AOH, „Lunar Surface Navigation Program (P22)“ 4. CSM AOH, „Orbital Navigation (P22)“. D. Data Requirements 1. Flight Crew Reports/Logs/Photographs a. Estimate of the landed LM location on lunar photomaps. [G] (M) b. Comments by LM crew regarding any difficulties encountered in estimating the location of the LM with respect to lunar surface features. [G] (HD) c. Comments by LM crewman on location of landed LM with respect to prominent terrain features. [G] (M) d. Obtain high resolution photographs of the landing area from the CSM. [G] (M) e. Photographs of the landing site and surrounding lunar surface features taken through a LM window after landing. [G, M] (M) f. Provide TV coverage of the lunar surface as viewed from the LM. [G, L] (M) 2. Ground Support a. LM TLM HBR. [G] (M) b. LM TLM LBR. [G] (M)
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