4 - 6 LM DESCENT A. Test Objective D-1 LM Landing Gear Performance Under Landing Conditions G-1 Location of the Landed LM from LM Data G-3 Capability of Locating the Landed LM in Real Time from LM/CSM/MSFN Data H-1 Data on Landing Aids and Final Approach Visibility M-1 Photograph Lunar Surface During LM Descent B. Test Requirements 1. Determine landing site visibility, extent of washout and visibility of landing site landmarks. [H] 2. Photograph the landing site during the approach through the LM pilot‘s window with the data acquisition camera. [G, H, M] 3. Evaluate landing aids, i.e., Landing Point Designator, maps, photographs. [G, H] 4. Assess visual phenomena during LM landing which are significantly different from expected. [H] 5. Voice anotate location and identity of features during final descent. [G] 6. Determine landing location in real time by description of terrain features during descent. [G] 7. Assess LM landing conditions on the lunar surface. [D] C. Procedures/Checklist 1. Photographic and Television Operations Plan. 2. Descent Procedures Document. D. Data Requirements 1. Flight Crew Reports/Logs/Photographs a. LM crew comments on landing site visibility during final approach and landing phases and on effectiveness of the Landing Point Designator and landing site recognition aids. [H] (M) b. GET at start of data acquisition camera photographs during LM final approach. [H] (M) c. Voice track regarding observations of surface features during the descent phase. [G] (M) d. Photographs of the landing site and surrounding lunar surface features taken through a LM window during descent. [G, M] (M) e. Data Acquisition Camera photographs of the landing site from high gate to touchdown. [H, M] (M) f. Photographs of the landing site and surrounding lunar surface features taken through a LM window during descent. [G, M] (N) g. Comments on any lunar dust observed during the final approach, the severity of the landing and vehicle stability after touchdown. [D] (M) 2. Ground Support a. LM TM HBR. [D, G, H] (M) b. LM TM LBR. [D, G] (M)
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