4 - 10 EVA PREPARATION AND EGRESS A. Test Objectives B-1 Demonstrate Egress-to/Ingress-from the Lunar Surface B-2 Evaluate Crew Lunar Surface EVA Capability C-1 EMU Capability to Provide a Habitable Environment C-2 EMU Effects on Crew Mobility/Dexterity/Comfort C-3 Data/Voice Communications Capability During EVA L-1 TV Coverage of an Astronaut Descending to the Lunar Surface B. Test Requirements 1. Perform EVA preparations. [C] 2. Release the MESA pallet with pre-mounted TV camera and turn camera power on prior to descent to the lunar surface. [L] 3. Egress to the lunar surface. [B, C] 4. Deploy and set the TV camera to provide TV coverage of the lunar surface EVA. [L] 5. During EVA, communicate with MSFN via the EVA-LM-MSFN two way voice relay. [C] 6. Two-way voice communications to be performed between two EVA crewmen. [C] 7. EMU and biomedical data from two EVA crewmen will be simultaneously transmitted to MSFN via EVA-LM-MSFN one-way relay. [C] C. Procedures/Checklist 1. EVA Procedures Document. 2. Lunar Surface Operations Plan. D. Data Requirements 1. Flight Crew Reports/Logs/Photographs a. Notify MSFN of the initial and final positions of the PLSS water diverter valve, primary oxygen shutoff valve and water shutoff/relief valve each time they are changed. [C] (M) b. Notify MSFN when PLSS High O2 flowrate, low vent flow, low feed water pressure or PGA pressure low remote control unit status indicators and audible warning tone come on. [C] (M) c. Record EMU radiation dosimeter readings just prior to the EVA. [C] (M) d. Notify MSFN if noxious odors occur or any condensation on the visor assembly. [C] (HD) e. Comment on the adequacy of procedures and difficulties encountered during donning of EMU equipment. [C] (HD) f. Comment on time required and adequacy of the EMU checkout procedures. [C] (MD) g. Comment on the adequacy of EMU thermal environment when walking from a sunlit area to shadow and vice versa. [C] (M) h. Comment on estimated energy expenditure and comfort as compared to simulation experience. [C] (HD) i. Provide data on the adequacy of hardware and procedures, and the time required to perform the egress from the LM. [B] (M)
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