5 - 2 SM-RCS BUDGET GROUND RULES and ASSUMPTIONS 1. The transposition and docking phase of the mission includes an SPS evasive maneuver. 2. The fi rst and third midcourse corrections (translunar) are executed as SPS burns with the third MCC followed by an RCS trim. 3. No SM RCS propellant is required during PTC or lunar orbit coast. 4. The sixth midcourse correction (transearth) is executed as an RCS burn of 5 fps. 5. The individual quad plots are included for reference only as quad management is determined by the fl ight controllers during the mission. TABLE 5-1 SM RCS PROPELLANT LOADING AND USAGE SUMMARY Nominal loaded 1342.4 1b Initial outage due to loaded mixture ratio 15.6 Total trapped 26.4 Gauging inaccuracy 80.4 Deliverable SM-RCS propellant 1220.0 Nominal usage 590 Translunar phase (through LOI-2) 204 Lunar orbit phase 311 Transearth phase (includes TEI) 75 Nominal remaining 630 1b
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