1 - 13 FLIGHT PLAN NOTES A. Crew 1. Crew designations are as follows: Designation Prime Backup Commander (CDR) Armstrong Lovell Command Module Pilot (CMP) Collins Anders Lunar Module Pilot (LMP) Aldrin Haise 2. Crew positions during the mission are as follows: CSM LM Left Center Right Left Right Launch thru TLI CDR LMP CMP T&D thru Entry CMP CDR LMP Manned LM CMP CDR LMP 3. The crew will eat and sleep simultaneously throughout the mission. Eat periods will be normally 1-hour duration, with additional activ- ities held to a minimum during this time frame. Sleep periods will normally be 8 to 10 hour duration with two 4 to 5 hour sleep periods while the LM is on the lunar surface. 4. Activity PGA Configuration Launch to insertion PGA‘s with helmet & gloves (H&G) Insertion to TLI PGA‘s without H&G TLI to evasive mnvr PGA‘s with H&G TLC & LOI 1&2 Constant wear garments LM activation & checkout PGA without H&G (CMP H&G donned for latch cocking & CDR/LMP H&G donned for pressure integrity check and cabin reg check) Undocking through touchdown PGA‘s with H&G except CMP without H&G after DOI Touchdown through pre lift-off PGA‘s without H&G except for CDR/LMP simulated count- down & EVA Liftoff through LM jettison PGA‘s with H&G (except H&G off after docking) LM jettison through splashdown Constant wear garmets 5. Two crew status reports via air-to-ground commmunications will be made by the flight crew during each activity day. The first re- port will be given after the first meal of the day and will con- cern the sleep obtained during the previous sleep period. The second report will be given following the final meal of the day and will concern the radiation dose received during the previous 24 hours and medication taken if any. The following information should be logged: a. Food Consumption b. Exercise c. Used fecal bags marked as to crewman and GET 6. Negative reporting will be used in reporting completion of each checklist. 7. Continuous CSM biomedical data are automatically transmitted to the ground. 8. LM biomedical switching is performed manually by the LMP from undocking to docking as scheduled in the timeline.
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