395 APPENDIX attitude determination, 127, 128 and Beta Gimbal Assembly control of Solar Array Wings, 169 desaturation request, 131 function of, 93, 121–122 GPS adjustments, 126, 127 high-gain antenna, 224 Gulfstream G3 aircraft for returning crews to USA, 32 H Haddon, Robert, 329 Hadfield, Chris, 205 Ham, Ken, 56 handover training from crew to crew, 215, 218 “hanging the plaque” duty, 32–33, 88, 89 Hard Upper Torso, EMU, 297–298 Hasbrook, Annette, 329 Hassman, Derek, 329 hatches air leak management role of, 349 as feedthroughs, 38 secondary structure components, 49–50 hatch windows, 50 heartbeat software, 105 heater patches to control condensation, 194, 195 heat exchangers. See InterFace Heat eXchangers (IFHXs) heat pipes, 166, 194 heat rejection point. See radiators Heat Rejection Subsystem (HRS), 202, 203 heat transfer. See Thermal Control Systems (TCSs) Heflin, Milt, xi helmet cam video, EMU, 228 helmet lights, EMU, 289 Helms, Susan, 92 hemispherical antenna, LDR mode, 225 Herrington, John B., 228 high-data-rate (HDR) mode, S-band system, 224–225 High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters, 340 high-gain antenna (HGA), 224, 225 high-level manifest, planning for the increment, 3 H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV), Japan, 236, 237–245 cargo delivery and loading, 240–241 coordination for HTV5 mission, 258, 260–262 crew training, 240 day of arrival, 241–245 flight controller training, 238–239 overview, xviii scheduling, 237–238 hobbies, pursuing on ISS, 27–28 hockey stick tool to prevent electrocution, 320, 321, 330 holidays and time off for crew, 3–4, 27–28 home control center, visiting vehicle missions, 238–239, 241 Hopkins, Mike, 242, 280, 361, 373, 374–375 Hoshide, Aki, 296, 371, 376 “hot cross-tie,” power channels, 160 Houston Support Group in Russia, xxvii HTV Berthing Camera System, 46 humidity levels in ISS atmosphere, 199, 213–215, 337 humor, need for in ISS environment, 29 Huntsville Control Center, xiii, xxvi, xxix, 294 hypergolic propellant, 121 hypervelocity impacts, 141. See also debris avoidance I IBM T61 laptop as PCS, 101 increment crew operations, 20–33. See also making of a mission complex operations, 30–31 conferences, crew to ground, 28 controllers and crew daily routine, 22–27 ground preparations, 21–22 increment defined, xix, 3 planning of increment, 2–11, 26–27 Red Line, chasing of in daily activities, 29 return to Earth, 32–33 time off for crew, 27–28 Increment Definition and Requirements Document (IDRD), 3, 7 Increment Overview, 5, 6 Increment Requirements Definition Document, 26–27 in-flight maintenance (IFM), 268–277 air leaks, 271–272 Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA), 275 Centerline Berthing Camera System (CBCS), 271 Command & Control MDMs, 273 EVA activity for, 280, 303 methodology, 269 mod kit, 277 tools and diagnostic equipment, 270 unsticking hardware, 273–274, 276 inhibits to electrical voltage, for safety, 158 input/output cards, Multiplexer/DeMultiplexer (MDM), 99 insulation, Internal Thermal Control System (ITCS), 194, 195 Integrated Truss System “the truss” attachment sites, 39, 43 components color-coded by country, xvii Mobile Transporter parking, 257 naming of segments, 43 overall structure of, xv, 36–46 Photo-Voltaic Modules (PVMs), 159 Radiator Beam Truss Structure, 203, 204 robotic arm’s role in assembling, 252 Space Vision System (SVS) for connecting, 45 thermal control components, 198 Integration for Visiting Vehicles Position (ISE), xxvi Intel 386 processor, 97 InterFace Heat eXchangers (IFHXs) ammonia leak, 174–175, 184, 217, 347, 350 and limits of TCCS, 338 in Node 3 modification, 66 and Pump Module failure, 357 schematics, 196, 200 structure and thermal process role, 201–202 InterModular Ventilation (IMV), 213, 217, 339, 340, 347 Internal Audio Controllers (IACs), 178 internal DC-to-DC Converter Units (DDCUs), 166 Internal Thermal Control Systems (ITCSs), 194, 205–207, 216. See also InterFace Heat eXchangers (IFHXs) Internal Wireless Instrumentation System, 42 International Docking Adapter extensions, 46 International Execute Planning Team (IEPT), 5–11 international nature of ISS operations, naming conventions and language issue, xxx international partner presence. See also Canadian Space Agency (CSA) European Space Agency (ESA) Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Russian partner agency Canada’s robotics contribution, 251 DPC participation, 22 at MCC-H, xxvii International Partners Liaison Position (RIO), xxv International Space Station (ISS). See also assembly of ISS Assembly Complete configuration, 36 components by contributing country, xvii composite images, xvi historical overview, xiii–xv logistical complexities, 234 modularity of, xxi–xxii with Node 3 and Cupola installed, 87 orbit compared to space debris, 142 planning of, 2–17 radiator panels, 192 size of, xviii solar arrays image, 156 structural overview, xv–xvii technical names for components, xv, xvii internet access on ISS, 27 live-streaming video from ISS to, 230 Inventory Management System, rack location designations, 58 iodinated water, 340 Iridium 33 communications satellite, 141, 151, 152 isolation software, 105 Isolation Valve, IFHX, 202 ISS Flight Control Positions, xxv, xxx ISS Leak Kit, 270 ISS Management Console, xxvii ISS mission designations. See entries beginning with STS
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