399 APPENDIX Rapid Depress, 47–48, 143, 213, 217, 346–347, 348 Rassvet (“Dawn”) Mini Research Module (MRM)1, 253 Rate Gyro Assemblies (RGAs), 127 rate mode for rotating solar arrays, 169–170 Ray, John, 329 Ready to Latch (RTL) indicators, 39, 44–46 Reagan, Ronald, 251 Reboost mode propellant transport for, 235, 236 purpose of, 106 time of ignition (TIG), 134, 151 recirculation loops in Regenerative ECLSS, 215 recovery software, 105 recrewing, 218 Red orbital debris risk level, 145–146, 147 Redundancy Management (RM), 106 Regenerative ECLSS, 213–215 Regenerative Heat Exchanger, 206 Remote Bus Isolators (RBIs), 166, 167 remote control in EPS, 158–159 remote login to ISS, 227 Remote Power Controllers (RPCs), 166 Remote Power Control Modules (RPCMs), 94, 168, 216, 255–256 Remote Terminal (RT), 100 Renfrew, Royce, 261 research. See scientific research respirators, 346, 347, 350 resupplying ISS. See visiting vehicles return line, Active Thermal Control System, 197 return to Earth, 31, 32–33 RF (radio frequency) links, 223–228 Ku-band, 97, 127, 216, 223, 224, 225–227 S-band, 223–225 ship-to-ship, 228 UHF, 227–228, 287–288 Wireless External Transceiver Assembly, 228, 230 robotics, 250–264. See also Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) crew and ground control coordination case study, 260–262 ground operations and FCT, 258–260 Mobile Servicing System Operations (MSS), 258–264 operational challenges and triumphs, 262–264 Robotic Workstation (RWS), 46, 230, 242–243, 258 Space Station Remote Manipulator System, 252–255 Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator, 255–256 working with Ready to Latch indicators, 44 robotics and spacewalks activity category, 29 Robotics Officer (ROBO) team, xxvi, 258–260, 261, 262, 264 Robotic Workstation (RWS), 46, 230, 242–243, 258 Rocketdyne Truss Attachment System, 42 rocket thrusters. See thrusters Roden, Sean, 329 roll ring structure, 169 Romanenko, Roman, 20 Ross, Jerry, 298 rotating joints for solar array adjustment, 168–169 rotational control. See attitude control Russian Functional Cargo Block (FGB), 157 Russian partner agency. See also Soyuz crew vehicle Daily Planning Conference participation, 22 investigation of Progress 44P loss, 218–219 at MCC-H, xxvii as partner in ISS, xiv role in ISS development, xiv–xv Russian Segment (RS), xiv. See also Service Module (SM) ammonia leak response, 175, 350 Command and Control System interface, 93 computer network, 93, 97 debris shielding in, 49 docking system, 31, 46, 235 ETHOS coordination for life support system, 334 GPS receivers, 126 impact on solar array constraints, 170–171 Motion Control System, 120, 121, 128, 133–135 multiple duplicate units in computer system, 100 power design differences from USOS, 156 Rassvet (“Dawn”) Mini Research Module (MRM)1, 253 round hatches of, 49 structural comparison to USOS, 38–39 systems backup limitations for USOS, 362 Russian (Orlan) spacesuit, 281, 283, 289 Ryazanskiy, Sergey, 361 S Sabatier, Paul, 344 Sabatier rack, 337, 344 safe haven procedures, 151, 153, 175 SAFER backpack unit, 282–283, 295, 298, 299, 301 “safing function” in managing EPS, 158 Sample Delivery System (SDS), 336 S-band Antenna Support Assembly, 310 S-band communication system, 223–225 scheduling changes generic skill-based training for crews, 4 planning the ISS, 13–14 tools for dealing with, 5, 15–16 science activity category, 29 Scientific Linux, 101 scientific research missions and crew time constraints, 14 development of, xv life support for, 338 microgravity maintenance for, 132 NASA’s job in facilitating, xii–xiii, xv need for higher Ku-band link rate, 226 negative impact of ammonia pump failure, 361 planning of, 3, 5, 14 Rassvet Mini Research Module 1, 253 windows used for experiments, 51 Scopemeter, 270 “scratch pane” of window, 52 Secondary Power System, 165–171 Direct Current Switch Unit (DCSU), 163, 166 Direct-Current-to-Direct-Current Converter Units (DDCUs), 158, 161, 165–166 jumpers, 68, 161, 215–216, 271 longeron shadowing, 170–171 Main Bus Switching Units (MBSUs), 160, 163, 167, 310 overview, 157 pointing systems, 168–170 power buses, 168 power distribution, 166 Remote Power Control Modules (RPCMs), 168 solar array constraints, 170 secondary structure components. See also docking systems closeout panels, 58–59 hatches, 38, 49–50, 349 orbital debris shielding, 46–49, 53, 141–143 racks, 54–58. See also racks windows, 38, 50–53 Segment-to-Segment Attachment System, 42 sensors in Command & Data Handling System (C&DH), 94, 99 dedicated and collateral for debris tracking, 143–144 Orbiter Boom Sensor System (OBSS), 317, 320–322, 323, 327, 330 Sequential Shunt Units (SSUs), 163, 165 Service Module (SM), Russian Segment. See also thrusters attitude determination, 128 Debris Avoidance Maneuver (DAM), 148–149 Electrical Power System design for, 157 Motion Control System for, 120, 121, 135 windows of, 50 Service Module Central Computer (SMCC), 93, 97 Service Module Terminal Computers (SMTCs), 97 Shepherd, Chelsea, 33 ship-to-ship RF link, 228 Short Term Plan (STP), 5, 9–10, 11–12 “ShRECs,” xix Sierra Nevada Corporation, 245 Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue (SAFER), 282–283, 295, 298, 299, 301 simulations. See also crisis simulations for decrewing, 218 mission training role, 63, 76
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