APPENDIX 396 ISS Mission Management Team (IMMT), xxiii, 9, 24, 30, 369 ISS Post-Fire Cleanup Kit, 270 ISS Program Office, xxiii, xxvii ISS Research Integration Office, xv ISS Toolbox, 270 J Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), xiv, 307 Japanese Airlock hatches, 49 Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) External Exposure Facility, xv, 46, 262 racks in, xxii, 55, 56 Remote Manipulator System Main Arm and Small Fine Arm, 250 windows in, 51 Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle. See H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) “job jar” activities, 27 Joint Airlock (Quest), 49–50, 272, 283, 296–297, 298, 299 Joint Operations, in visiting vehicle operations, 239, 241–243 Joint Operations Panel (JOP), 21, 25–26, 32 “joint sims,” 63 Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC), 145, 147, 148 Joint Station Local Area Network (JSL), 216 “Jules Verne” (ESA ATV), 244 jumpers crew installation of, 161 Launch-To-Activation (LTA), 68 role in Electrical Power System (EPS), 215–216 UOP Bypass Jumper, 216 for video connection problem, 271 K Ka-band communication system, 222 Kelly, Scott, 28, 33 Kharmats, Paul, 26 Knight, Norman, 376 Kononenko, Oleg, 28 Kopra, Tim, 33 Kornienko, Mikhail, 28 Kosmos 2251 military communications satellite, 141, 151 Kotov, Oleg, 27, 361, 369 Kounotori (White Stork). See H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) Kowalczyk, Bill, 376 Kraft, Christopher Jr., xi, xii, xxiii Kranz, Gene, xi, xii Krikalev, Sergei, 54 Ku-band communication system, 97, 127, 216, 223, 224, 225–227 Ku Communications Unit (inside ISS), 226 Kuipers, Andre, 230, 231 L Laboratory (Destiny) module (USOS) activating computers on, 107 and Control Moment Gyroscopes (CMGs), 121 development of, xv Expedition 1 installation of, 54 ground construction of, 37 Robotic Workstation (RWS), 258 Thermal Control System elements, 195, 198, 205–206 and user-friendly naming of modules, xvii window in, 51 Lammers, Michael, 24, 26, 33 Latching End Effector (LEE), 254–255, 260, 261, 263 Launch-To-Activation (LTA) jumpers, 68 L-band communication system (for GPS), 222 Lee, Andrew, 33 Lee, Mark, 282 Lessons Learned reviews making of a mission, 87–88 planning the ISS, 14–17 software update and handling change, 116 spacewalk (STS-120/ISS-10A), 330–331 life support, xxiv, 70, 334–350. See also Environmental Control and Life Support System Life Support System Backpack, 299 Lindgren, Kjell, 23, 33, 242, 262 Liquid Cooling and Ventilation Garment (LCVG), 287, 297, 299 Lithium Hydroxide (LiOH) canisters, 336 loads and radiators, ETCS, 202–204 load sheds, controlling, 105 Load Shed Table, 117 Local Vertical, Local Horizontal (LVLH), 123, 124, 125 locating the ISS. See Motion Control System (MCS) longeron shadowing, 170–171 long-range planning (LRP) team, 7–8, 12–13 Loop Crossover Assembly, 188, 206 Lopez-Alegria, Michael E., 228 loss of supply missions, dealing with Cygnus, 289 multiple losses challenge (2014–2015), 234–235 Progress 44P, 210, 211, 214–215, 218–219 lost items on ISS, 4 low-data-rate (LDR) mode, S-band system, 224–225 low-Earth orbit, forces impacting Motion Control System (MCS), 128–129. See also debris avoidance Lower Torso Assembly, EMU, 289, 297 Low Temperature Loop (LTL), ITCS, 177–178, 206, 216, 340, 344–345 Lu, Ed, 25 M Main Bus Switching Units (MBSUs), 160, 163, 167, 310 maintenance activity category, 29 major anomalies, handling, 354–377 Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA), 336 making of a mission, 62–89 execution of mission (fly phase), 63, 80–87 Lessons Learned review, 87–88 planning, 62, 63–75 training, 62–63, 75–79 Malenchenko, Yuri, 309, 310 manual berthing mechanism, 40 manual free mode for rotating solar arrays, 170 Manual Pressure Equalization Valves (MPEVs), 339 Marshburn, Tom, 73 Mass Storage Disk (MSD), 99 Mast Camera, 256 Mastracchio, Rick, 280, 300, 354, 361, 368, 369, 373 Maximum Absorption Garment, 297 McMillan, Courtenay, 33 mechanical radars, debris tracking, 144 Medical support position (BME), xxv Melroy, Pam, 309 metabolic rate, monitoring during EVAs, 302 microgravity difficulty of maintaining fire, 193, 345 managing atmospheric mixing in, 336–337 Neutral Buoyancy Lab approximation of, 293 thruster use impact on, 132 Vomit Comet’s training in, 294 Microgravity mode, 106 MicroMeteoroid and Orbital Debris (MMOD), 48, 283, 286, 301 microphone, EMU, 288 Mighty Mouse software, 107 Military Standard 1553 communication protocol, 99 Millstone/Haystack radar complex used to track orbital debris, 143 mini simulations, 175–176 Mini-Workstation, EMU, 296, 298 Minnie Mouse software mode, 107 Mir space station, xiv–xv, 46 mission cognizance, training for, 177 Mission Control. See Flight Control Team (FCT) Mission Control Center CST-100, 246 Mission Control Center – Dulles (MCC-D), xiii, xxviii Mission Control Center – Houston (MCC-H or Houston) international partner presence, xxvii overview, xiii propulsion to higher orbit for debris avoidance, 148–149, 151 visiting vehicle mission role, 239, 241, 244
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