401 APPENDIX STS-123/ISS-1J/A, 78–79, 255 STS-124/ISS-1J, 56 STS-126/ISS-ULF-2, 258 STS-127/ISS-2J/A, 227 STS-128/ISS-17A, 67 STS-129/ISS-ULF3, 46 STS-130/ISS-20A, 37, 40, 62. See also making of a mission STS-132/ISS-ULF4, 226, 253 Stuffed Whipple Shield design, 48 sublimator, EMU cooling, 287 Suffredini, Mike, 369 sun, ISS orbit with respect to, 124–125 sun visor, EMU, 289 supply management, packing and loading, 3, 240–241. See also visiting vehicles Suraev, Maxim, 27 Surgeon position (SURGEON), xxv Survival mode, 106 Swanson, Steve, 291, 329 synchronizing watches for ground/space coordination, 22 System Flow Control Assembly Modulation Valve, 205 systems Command and Data Handling (C&DH), 92–107 Communication and Tracking (C&T), 222–231 Electrical Power System (EPS), 156–171 Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS), 334–350 ExtraVehicular Activities (EVAs), 280–303 Motion Control System (MCS), 120–136 robotics, 250–264 structures and mechanisms, 36–59 Thermal Control Systems (TCSs), 192–207 T Tani, Dan, 301, 309, 310, 313, 324 Tanner, Joe, 329 Team 4 for ammonia pump failure, 359–376 structure and function of, 359 for STS-120/ISS-10A issues, 314–318, 324, 329, 330–331 team interactions, training for, 177 technical water, 340 telemetry data, sending from ISS, 224 television on ISS, 27 temperature and humidity control. See Thermal Control Systems (TCSs) Terminal Computer (RS), 121–122, 128, 134 tethers, EVA, 286, 291, 295, 296, 301 thermal control, EMU, 285, 287 Thermal Control Systems (TCSs), 192–207. See also ammonia-based thermal transfer system Active Thermal Control Systems (ATCSs), 192, 195–204 and computer systems installation, 107 decrewing adjustments to deal with humidity change, 213–215 in failure simulation, 178 jumper method for failures in, 161 overview, xxiv Passive Thermal Control Systems (PTCSs), 192, 194–195 Thermal Control Systems Position (THOR), xxv Thermal Radiator Rotary Joint (TRRJ), 187, 200, 204, 356, 357, 358 Thirsk, Bob, 20 Three Way Mixing Valve (TWMV), 196–197 thruster plume impingement, solar arrays, 170 thrusters attitude control with, 129, 131, 133–134 higher orbit for debris avoidance, 148 location control with, 128–129 microgravity effect of, 132 motion control during assembly, 135 visiting vehicle rendezvous role, 240 Thrusters control mode, 134 Tier 1 of C&DH system (CCS), 93, 94, 95 Tier 2 of C&DH system (local tier), 93, 94, 95, 106 Tier 3 of C&DH system (user tier), 93–94, 96–97 “tiger team” (panel of experts), 75 Tile Repair Ablator Dispenser (T-RAD), 311 time, as critical parameter for C&DH, 100–101 Time Division Multiple Access digital system, 229 time of closest approach (TCA), orbital debris tracking, 145 time off for crew, 3–4, 27–28 time of ignition (TIG), reboost, 134, 151 time of single orbit, 122 time zone synchronization for ground/space coordination, 22 Todd, Kenneth, 24 tools EVA, 294, 295–296, 303, 325, 330 in-flight maintenance, 269, 270 Torque Equilibrium Attitudes (TEAs), 133 Toxic Atmosphere (ATM) ammonia leak, 174–175, 178, 184, 217, 347, 350 detection system for ammonia, 336 toxic chemical exposure, managing during EVAs, 205, 302–303, 365 Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS), 338, 346 Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS), 13, 126, 183, 223, 227 tracking of debris, 143–144, 146–147 trade space, Pump Module change out, 362–363, 366 Trailing Thermal Control Radiator (TTCR), 202, 203, 205 training. See also simulations communication, 176, 177–179 decrewing the ISS, 218 for EVAs, 68–69, 77, 290–295 flight controller, xxvii–xxviii, 175, 238–239 flight director as trainer, 76, 182–183 generic skill-based training for crews, 4 handover, 215, 218 making of a mission, 62–63, 75–79 microgravity, 294 scenario development, 179–181 spacesuit training in US and Russia, 283 STS-120/ISS-10A mission, 309 visiting vehicle, 238–239, 240 Trajectory Operations Officer (TOPO), xxv, 145, 146, 147, 151 Transmitter/Receiver/Controller, 226 Transponder, 223 trash bag, EMU, 296 trash removal at ISS, 235, 236 truss system. See Integrated Truss System Tsukuba Control Center, xiii Tures, Becky, 329 two-way video, 226–227 two-way voice/audio, UHF, 227–228, 287–288 Tyruin, Mikhail, 361 U UHF (Ultra-High Frequency) RF link, 227–228, 287–288 Ultrasonic Leak Detector (ULD), 52, 272 umbilical, airlock, 297, 300 Umbilical Mating Adapters, 256 United States On-orbit Segment (USOS). See also Command and Control System (CCS) Laboratory (Destiny) module ammonia leak response, 350 Audio Terminal Units (ATUs), 229 and Common Berthing Mechanism interface, 41 computer network, 93 Daily Planning Conference participation, 22 debris shielding, 142 docking system, 46 evacuation for toxic atmosphere, 217 EVA role of, 281–282 GPS receivers, 125–126 life support system development, xv Motion Control System (MCS), 120, 121, 128, 129–130, 132–135 overview, xiv power system design and operation, 156–171 rack configuration in, 54 Rate Gyro Assemblies (RGAs), 127 structural comparison to Russian Segment, 38–39 USOS Thruster Only (USTO), 133 Unity, computer network, 93 unsticking hardware (fit issues), 273–274, 276 UOP Bypass Jumper, 216 uplink procedure for software upgrade, 112–113 Urine Processor Assembly, 341, 342, 343 US Commercial Crew Program, xv
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