397 APPENDIX Mission Control Center – Moscow (MCC-M or Moscow) overview, xiii propulsion to higher orbit for debris avoidance, 148–149, 151 visiting vehicle mission role, 239 Mission Control Center – SpaceX (MCC-X), xiii Mission Evaluation Room (MER), xxvii Mission Operations, merging with Flight Crew Operations, xi Mission Operations Support, xv mission patch, x–xi mission planning. See planning the ISS Mobile remote servicer Base System (MBS), 37, 256–257 Mobile Servicing System (MSS), 258–264 crew operations and Robotic Workstation, 258 ground/crew coordination case study, 260–262 ground operations and FCT, 258–260 operational challenges and triumphs, 262–264 Mobile Transporter, 30, 37, 256–257, 308 Moderate Temperature Loop (MTL), ITCS, 177–178, 206, 216 Moderate Temperature Thermal Control System rack, 57 mode transitions, computer system support for, 106 momentum management, 132–133 Monthly Calendar Plan, 5, 15–16 Montreal Control Center, xiii, 259 Moscow Support Group at MCC-H, xxvii Mostly Liquid Separator (MLS), 343 Motion Control Position (ADCO), xxv Motion Control System (MCS), 120–136 assembly of, 135 attitude control, 93, 120–121, 128, 129–136 attitude determination, 127–128 computer system elements, 121–122 control modes, 134–135 ground determination of ISS location, 122–125 orbit determination of ISS location, 125–127, 135 rocket thruster control, 128–129 Russian Segment attitude control, 133–134 US Segment attitude control, 132–133 vectors, 122–125 Mularski, John, 376 Multi-Filtration Beds, 344 MultiLayer Insulation (MLI), 48, 311, 312 Multiplexer/DeMultiplexers (MDMs). See also individual MDMs by name failure of, 84, 106, 262 function in computer system, 94, 95–101 simulation failure, 177 and software upgrades, 111 multiplexing, defined, 97 Multipurpose Laboratory Module (RSA), xxi, 250 Multi-Purpose Logistics Modules (MPLMs), xviii, 252, 271 Multipurpose Support Room, xxiv Munich or Columbus Control Center, xiii, xxviii N NASA, integration responsibility for ISS, xv NASA Johnson Space Center, pre-increment planning, 5 NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center, xxviii Nespoli, Paolo, 235, 309 Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory (NBL), 66, 77, 79, 293, 365, 366 Neutral Buoyancy Simulator, Huntsville, Alabama, 294 Next Worst Failure analysis, 361–362, 366 Nitrogen Introduction Assembly, 206 Nitrogen Tank Assembly (NTA), 200, 201 Node 1 (Unity) CBCS wiring, 271 modification to accommodate Node 3, 64, 65–67 relocation of, xxi Node 2 (Harmony) delivery and temporary installation, 307, 310, 312–313 InterModular Ventilation (IMV), 339 in making of a mission, 64 preparing for Columbus module, 310 relocation of, xxi Node 3 (Tranquility) activation of, 84–85 assembly mission to attach, 63 change in planned location of, 64–66 and Cupola relocation, 83 on Endeavour, 80 EVA planning for, 66–67, 68–69, 72–75 remodeling activities around installation of, 70–73 in Space Shuttle, 37 Node Control System (NCS), 106–107 Node Multiplexer/DeMultiplexers (Node MDMs), 106 Noguchi, Soichi, 27 non-distributed vs. distributed electrical system, 157 Nyberg, Karen, 244, 258 O Obama, Barack Constellation Program redirection, 89 linkup with ISS crew, 82, 86 Okuda, Mike, xi Onboard Data Interfaces and Network (ODIN) team, 93, 106, 262 Onboard Short Term Plan (OSTP), 5, 9, 10–11 On-orbit Operations Summary (OOS), 5–9 on-the-job training, flight controller, 177 Operational state, MDM, 100 Operations Planning TIMeline Integration System (OPTIMIS), 10–11, 16–17 Operations Support Officer (OSO) team, 64, 66, 69, 84, 269 operations team, software upgrades, 111–116 operator level of certification for flight controller, 177 OPS PLAN team execute planning, 7–8, 12–13 monthly calendar plan, 15–16 Planning Position, xxv post-increment analysis, 17 orbital adjustments to accommodate visiting vehicle schedule, 237, 240 orbital altitude of ISS, 122–123 Orbital ATK Control Center (MCC-D), xxviii. See also Cygnus cargo vehicle Orbital Conjunction Message (OCM), 146 orbital debris, density by altitude, 152. See also debris avoidance orbital-raising maneuver to avoid debris. See Reboost mode Orbital Replacement Units (ORUs), xxii–xxiii, 36, 223, 257, 273 orbit determination of ISS location, 125–127, 135 orbiter, defined, xiv Orbiter Boom Sensor System (OBSS), 317, 320–322, 323, 327, 330 Orlan spacesuit, Russian, 281, 283, 289 oxygen. See also atmosphere control supply to EMU, 285, 335 usage during EVAs, 302 Oxygen Generator Assembly (OGA), 82, 335, 339, 344, 345, 361 P P6 PhotoVoltaic Control Unit (PVCU) MDMs, 106 P6 solar arrays location of, xvii plans for movement of, 308–308, 310 P6 4B solar array repair (STS-120/ISS-10A), 314–330 airlock distance from, 321 boom sensor break risk, 321–323 bounciness of boom issue, 320–321 crafting repair materials on orbit, 318 cuff link solution, 318–319, 328 damage location challenge, 316–317 electric shock and sharp edges hazards, 318–320 EVA operation, 327–330 images of damage, 315, 317, 325 mysteries in damage, 317 planning for, 324–326 spacesuit failures, 323–324 time constraints for, 324
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