11 SYSTEMS: INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION PLANNING—A ROADMAP TO GETTING IT ALL DONE CHAPTER 1 Figure 7. OSTP timeline of crew and ground commanding used by all control centers for daily ISS operations. This looks similar to the STP in Figure 6, but here it is viewed in the crew’s OPTIMIS. The dashed red line indicates the current time. A pop-up in the center provides additional detail on a specific activity under the cursor. Plan Configuration Management Early discussions with all the international partners during the formative phases of ISS operations development determined that the distributed nature of ISS operations, coupled with the fundamental tenant of a single integrated plan, required a rigorous configuration control process. Without this configuration control, the various control centers and the crew could end up working from old or different schedules. Keeping track of all the changes input through the WLP, STP, and OSTP development cycles is a daunting task. Rigorous control of changes and inputs must be maintained as the planners strive to produce, daily, a single integrated plan from which all ISS operations teams execute. The on-console flight control teams around the world document any modifications to the timeline from the Final STP in a Planning Product Change Request (PPCR). A web- based tool is used to generate, review, and implement the PPCRs. Figure 8 shows the PPCR tool summary interface. Each change request is assigned a tracking number based on the increment (i.e., 43-0541 is the 541st change request during Increment 43) and indicates the title of the request, the flight control discipline authoring the request, the status of the request (e.g., Open, Implemented, or Withdrawn) along with an approval status matrix for the ISS control center participants. A PPCR is used to document changes to existing approved planning products. These changes include modifications or additions to a plan or changes to any details (e.g., start time, duration, procedure reference, execution notes, etc.) for an activity timeline. Specifically, PPCRs are generated to request or document changes from a Final WLP while in STP development, or to request changes to a Final STP. Changes affecting only a single partner require approval by the issuing partner and are provided to the other planning partners as “information only.” This allows each partner flexibility in planning without slowing the process. Other updates affecting crew time or integrated vehicle operations require approval by all international partners. For example, the Russian flight control team might need to adjust the
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